Your first question is probably what is a Kst value? Kst is better known as the dust deflagration index. This value is one outlined by OSHA as a parameter for granting merit to the severity of a dust explosion. Once testing the dust in a facility, it is then determined how severe an explosion would be if one were to occur. There are four different Kst classes that a facility can fall under; those being:
Measuring the Kst of a facility is a common component of a dust test. Dust tests are performed regularly to determine the risks individual workers are exposed to in facilities; but also, to determine the actions needing to take place in order to decrease the chances of an explosion occurring.

Dust Exposure ClassKstCharacteristicsMaterial
St 00No explosionSilica
St 1>0 and = 200Weak explosionPowdered milk, charcoal, sulfur, sugar, zinc
St 2>200 and = 300Strong explosionCellulose, wood flour, polymethyl acrylate
St 3>300Very strong explosionAnthraquinone, aluminum, magnesium

With this being said, Kst values are benchmarks. They give a rough estimate of the chances of dust being a potential explosion hazard. Upon receiving a Kst value, a facility sometimes believes that if it is low, then they are not at risk of an explosion. However, it is the exact opposite. Kst values are given to understand the imminent threat, but when a facility receives a St 1, they believe there is no threat of explosive dust.

Kst Is an Estimate

OSHA provides us with the facts that Kst is the relative explosion severity compared to other dusts, estimated based on the anticipated behavior of dust. Since Kst is an estimation based on the anticipated behavior of dust, in the right environment, with the right hazards, a low Kst value explosion could cause severe damage.

The severity of dust explosions is based on how much dust there is, and how quickly it accumulated. To ensure your facility does not run the risk of an explosion, regularly clean your facility with a Vactagon drum top vacuum. These machines are portable and easy to move industrial machines that can handle the explosive nature of dust. However, if your facility finds itself ranked with a Kst value of St 0, you should have no imminent threat to explosive dust.

Not All Materials Have the Same Kst

Kst values vary based on the materials, environments, and many other factors. The typical Kst value of wood dust ranges anywhere from St 0 to St 3. Characteristics of this wood dust’s size, moisture level, and shape can have varying effects on an increased Kst value.

During the manufacturing process, the physical characteristics of materials are changing rapidly, making them more of a threat to worker’s health and safety. Testing your facility to discover what kinds of hazards are present is vital to worker’s health and the longevity of your facility.

Allow us to assist you after discovering your Kst value by removing the imminent threat of dust. Our Vactagon drum top vacuums are equipped with removing combustible dust or conductive metals from your facility. Purchase one of our drum top vacuums today.