Yet another option for all our clients’ dust collection needs The PDC-2500. With Industrial Vacuum’s new Filt-Aire 2500 CFM Portable Cyclone Dust Collection System, also known as the “PDC-2500”, dust-intensive areas don’t stand a chance. This model is the perfect solution for smaller jobs and provides an economic solution to a wide range of dust problems.
The Need for a New Portable Construction Dust Collector
Industrial Vacuum is always working to meet the ever-changing needs of our clients. Health and safety construction dust collector standards have become stricter to protect the well-being of staff members exposed to dangerous and hazardous materials on a day-to-day basis. We saw this in September of 2017 when OSHA required all construction companies and contractors to comply with OSHA’s updated Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard. The new standard enforces professionals in this line of work to implement various control methods – such as construction dust collectors – to reduce dust production and protect the health and well-being of their staff.
While OSHA has listed several control methods to help to prevent the build-up and creation of dust, these methods are not always perfect and typically leave room for some dust to escape allowing it to settle on surfaces within the workspace. To ensure that all dust has been removed from the work area, these spaces should be cleaned with an industrial vacuum or cyclone dust collection system.
We found that construction and contracting clients needed a new unit to remain compliant under the restructured regulation. With many of these contractors using smaller tools like grinders, concrete saws, and floor sanders, our line of large cyclone dust collection system did not make sense. Contractors needed a unit that was small, portable, and easy to transport from job to job if need be. That is where we stepped up and engineered our newest construction dust collection system: the Filt-Aire 2,500 CFM Portable Cyclone.
Models to Meet Your Working Environment
Our Filt-Aire 2,500 CFM Portable Cyclone Dust Collection System is available with two different types of power sources: electric and gas. The electric-powered model was constructed for indoor projects or where the user has an electric power source making it perfect for cleaning up paint, silica dust, and insulation projects. On the other hand, our gas-powered units are built for projects where the user does not have access to electric power. This model is ideal for landscapers, roadside, remote locations, and construction dust collectors.
Portable Construction Dust Collectors Built for Numerous Applications
For the construction industry, the PDC-2500 is the perfect solution for projects that produce large quantities of dust as well as those that emit dangerous fumes. Below are several job functions within the construction industry that face these issues – and how they occur:
Sandblasting – Sandblasting involves cleaning, roughening, or smoothing the surface of another material by forcing solid particles across the surface at high speeds. This is an extremely abrasive process and is performed by using a jet of sand that is usually driven by steam or compressed air. When finished, there is often a layer of fine sand or dust that lines the work area. Our PDC-2500 Cyclone Dust Collection System works perfectly as a sandblasting vacuum and can collect these fine particles as they are produced. It also can be used while abrasive blasting to capture the airborne dust created and keep the visibility and dust exposure to a minimum.
Concrete Cutting & Grinding – While concrete grinding and cutting are different, they are very similar in terms of their result and the need for construction dust collection clean-up. Cutting concrete, as well as similar materials such as asphalt, brick, and mortar is a method often used to create entryways and for new building construction. Concrete grinding is often used to smooth and repair worn-out and impaired sidewalks, roads, parking lots, and highways offering immediate enhancement and surface evenness. Most grinding and polishing tools have hose connections on them for capturing the dust and debris. The Cyclone Dust Collection System can be adapted to fit almost any piece of equipment.
Once complete, this type of work leaves a layer of dust and fine sand often containing respirable crystalline silica or other hazardous substances that impede the overall wellbeing of employees. Our Cyclone Dust Collection System is equipped with an adjustable 55-gallon drum adapter and dust & debris dropout drawer that makes it possible to clean up an entire workspace without needing to empty the drawer every few feet. Once clean-up is complete, the dust and debris dropout drawer can be easily removed, emptied, and cleaned allowing it to be ready for use again in minutes.
Metalworking & Fume Extraction – Another area of construction that can negatively affect the health of employees is metalworking. There are several types of metalworking but two of the most common are welding and soldering. Both methods involve joining together two pieces of metal by heating the surfaces. Soldering requires heating two pieces of metal and joining those pieces together with a joint in the middle, while welding requires heating the pieces of metal to their melting point and pressing them together until they are completely fused.
These methods extract fumes like nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and several other hazardous gases. If employees are subjected to prolonged exposure to the fumes put off by welding and soldering, they increase their risk of lung damage and various types of cancer, including lung, larynx, and urinary tract. Additional adverse health effects from certain fumes may include stomach ulcers, kidney damage, and damage to the nervous system. Maintaining clean air is extremely important and often requires the help of an industrial fume extraction system like the PDC-2500 Cyclone Dust Collection System.
With electric and gas-powered models built with a four-stage HEPA filtration system, our Filt-Aire Portable Cyclone Dust Collection System makes clean-up within the construction industry a breeze. From fine particles to dangerous fumes, the PDC-2500 can collect hazardous materials and stop them from contaminating the air and negatively affecting employee health.
Need more information? Have you found yourself facing a project that will entail a mobile cyclone dust collection system? If yes, contact a sales member at Industrial Vacuum today! Our new PDC-2500 construction dust collector is available for purchase or rent and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.